I arrived early, pre-flighted the airplane, and found that the left white position light was burned out. Woooo hoooo, snag#2 in my piloting career. The light is optional for daytime flight.
I was then informed that I wouldn't be flying with my instructor, but with the Chief Flight Instructor - and two make two lines on the flight planning form. I had expected to take some flight with David, then with the CFI (Juliette), and then go solo.... but apparently I am to be cast into the maw of the Big Bad CFI without first drilling a few holes in the sky with my friendly instructor first.
I wasn't too nervous during the checkride... had some trouble getting trimmed up on the downwind and oscillated around a bit.
- Taxi - had to enter 28 to let some traffic off the runway, then get back on Alpha to let a touch&go come through
- Takeoff #1 - Slick
- Circuit #1 - Created some skid because I used some left rudder in a climbing left turn... and under full power the aircraft still wanted some right rudder - even in the right turn. And didn't track altitude all that well.
- Landing #1 - good. Stabilized approach, on the centre line, no yaw, no bounce, no drop
- Takeoff #2 - Slick
- Circuit #2 - Much better, less nervous
- Landing #2 - Stabilized approach, just to the left of centre, no yaw, flared through cruise and got my nose up a bit... but just waited it out. No bounce, no drop
- Takeoff #3 - Slick
- Circuit #3 - Fine...nailed and stuck my altitudes
- Landing #3 - Right on the centre line, very decent
And then she got out....
Time: 0.5
Landings: 3
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